Finance Programs

501(c)(3) Nonprofit

TPFA’s Nonprofit Finance Program provides access to tax-exempt bond financing for eligible 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations.

Affordable Multifamily Housing Bonds

PFA’s Affordable Housing Bond Program provides for-profit and nonprofit developers access to tax-exempt bonds to finance low-income multifamily and senior housing projects.

IDBs / Maintenance

Public Finance Authority (PFA)’s Industrial Development Bond Program provides eligible manufacturers with capital project financing for land, buildings, and new equipment through the issuance of tax-exempt industrial development bonds (“IDBs”).

Exempt Facilities

PFA’s Exempt Facility Bond Program is designed to assist eligible borrowers finance various types of facilities owned or used by private entities using tax-exempt bonds.

Water/Wastewater Pooled Bond Program

Cities, counties, towns, and districts can finance or refinance water and wastewater projects through the Public Finance Authority (PFA) at AA rates.